Page 85 - Super Cowboy Rides Again
P. 85

everyone else in your group, a bunch of lemmings all
jumping off the same political cliff. You protest that
the country has done wrong by you even while the laws
of the land allow the very protest itself. We’ve seen
whole villages that have been massacred by their own
government just because one person in the village chose
to speak out against injustices.

      “We’ve seen people rounded up under some
pretext of wrong doing and forced to work as nothing
more than slaves. We’ve seen people have their lands,
homes, and even sons and daughters taken away by the
slightest whim of a government leader.

      “And we know what it is like to fight to defend a
hill surrounded by an enemy, watching our friends
falling, wounded and dying all around us. We have felt
bullets rip into our bodies but still fought on, knowing
that surrender wasn’t an option, for anyone falling into
the hands of the enemy would be tortured and killed.

      “We know what it is like, when almost all hope is

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