Page 83 - Super Cowboy Rides Again
P. 83
changing wounds only to be belittled, despised, and
mocked. Do you know what that is like? No, you
don’t! You were heroes! And, in fact, when we came
to the veterans’ hall, it was some of you who asked us
to leave and told us we didn’t fight in a real war.
“Does that mean we didn’t really have our friends
die in our arms? Does that mean they did not come
home in coffins draped with the same flag your friends
had on theirs, if there were enough remains to come
home at all?
“You condemn those who flee from what their
country asks of them at this time. But you also
condemn those of us who answered the call from our
country and served as we were asked. Because the war
we served in is not popular, does that somehow make us
less American or less patriotic than you? Is the country
you believe in one that requires the same thing of two
different generations but treats that sacrifice
differently? If it is, then you believe in a different