Page 9 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 9

Rachel had hardly seen a week go by

     without a few Native Americans coming by.
     Usually, it was only Native American men
     traveling in hunting parties.  But sometimes, there

     would be whole families, including mothers and
     children.  When they came, Rachel's father
     encouraged Rachel and her siblings to make

     friends with the children, but Rachel would have
     none of it.

             Rachel also despised having to share their
     food.  There were some winters when they ran low
     and had to ration it.   Rachel's mother was always
     cooking.  Rachel's father mostly only grew wheat

     and potatoes because they gave the most food for
     the cultivated land. The Native Americans loved

     bread and potatoes.  Rachel felt if they didn't have
     to share so much, her father might have food to
     sell, and then they could have other things that she

     liked better.
             But above all, there was one Native
     American man that Rachel liked the least.  It was

     not because he was mean or caused problems.  It
     was because he always wore a skunk skin.  The
     smell churned Rachel’s stomach, and she would

     always go out and stay in the barn until he left.
     She called him Skunk Man, at least when her

     father wasn't listening.  And try as she might,

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