Page 11 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 11

mother, followed.  The Native Americans kept

     stopping and checking the ground and items
     around them, then continued on.
             When they were less than a quarter-mile

     from the house, the men stopped at some bushes.
     They checked all around them, then Skunk Man
     let out a loud yell.  Suddenly, he started digging at

     an old badger hole, and the other men helped him.
     Eventually, Skunk Man slid face-first into the hole

     until only his feet were sticking out.  Then he let
     out a yell from underground, and the other Native
     American men pulled him out.  Tucked in Skunk
     Man's arms was Rachel's little sister.  Her face

     was tear-stained, and she was a bit scratched up,
     but she was otherwise unhurt.  When Skunk Man

     handed the child to her mother, Rachel watched
     her strong, brave mother break down and sob.
             From then on, Skunk Man was one of

     Rachel's favorite people.  She smiled when he
     came and invite him into their home.  And she
     didn't even mind the skunk skin.  At least, not too


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