Page 10 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 10

Rachel could not find any positive feelings toward

     Skunk Man.
             Then, one day, after Skunk Man and the
     group he was with left, the family realized their

     youngest girl was gone.  Rachel's little sister was
     only three, and Rachel was sure that Skunk Man
     must have taken her.  Surely a child that small

     couldn't have gone far.
              Anger swelled in Rachel's heart.  The family

     started to search, but Rachel was sure it would do
     no good.  She was sure she knew where her little
     sister was.  Rachel's older brother was dispatched
     to ride to the neighbors' houses asking all he met

     for help in the search.  Soon a large group
     gathered.  They searched all day and much of the

     night, but to no avail.
             Then, the next morning, Skunk Man and
     those with him were back.  That made Rachel

     angry.  Did they come back to admit what they
     had done?  She could see by the reaction of
     neighbors that many of them felt the same way.

             Skunk Man, using sign language, asked her
     father where the child had last been seen.
     Rachel's father took Skunk Man to the yard

     behind the house.  Skunk Man got on his knees
     and looked carefully at the ground.  Soon he and

     the men with him moved off in the direction of a
     small ravine.  Others, including Rachel and her

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