Page 14 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 14

here before."

             "Must have come off the barn," Butch said.
             "The barn roof slants the other way," Lenny
     said.  "I bet my uncle put it here, hoping to stop us

     from pranking him."
             Lenny tried to stand but slipped again.
     Butch and Buster tried to help, and they, too, went

             "He can't stop us that easily," Lenny said.

     "Let's work together."
             Holding on to each other's wrists, they
     formed a tripod and were able to stand.  Then, still
     holding each other's wrists, they made their way

     the last few feet to the door.  Lenny reached out
     and grabbed the doorknob.  When he did, all three

     of them felt a charge surge through them as their
     hair stood on end.  They all screamed, slipped, and
     fell.  The house light came on, and the three boys

     started to scramble.  In their hurry and confusion,
     they slipped and fell multiple times, often on top
     of each other.  Eventually, they were able to crawl

     off the ice and run away.
             At church on Sunday, the three of them were
             scratched and bruised.  Lenny told me the

              "Weren't you wearing gloves?" I asked.

     "You shouldn't have gotten shocked through

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