Page 6 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 6

the congregation he was calling from.  Then he

     said, "I am ready to report the weekly donation
             Suddenly, Henry blushed bright red.  "Listen

     here," he said forcefully into the phone.  "I don't
     want to hear any of that!"
             Henry gasped.  "Young lady, I want to talk

     to your supervisor!"  He paused a minute and then
     said it again louder and with more force.  Finally,

     he slammed the phone on the receiver.
             Henry was shaking with anger as he turned
     to me.  "That lady, and I use the term loosely, was
     telling me a dirty joke."

             I laughed.  "Henry, did you dial one eight-
     hundred, or did you dial one nine-hundred?"

             Henry was not smiling as he replied.  "As far
     as I know, I dialed one eight-hundred."
             He was so shaken by everything that he

     wouldn't call again.  So, this time I dialed.  A
     young lady answered and identified herself as a
     secretary at the church headquarters.  She

     pleasantly recorded the information, and we hung
             When the bishop stepped into the room, we

     told him what had happened.  He laughed.  "Well,
     I guess we know who was calling the dirty joke

             Henry didn't think it was funny in the least.

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