Page 4 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 4

A Bad Joke

             When I was younger and just graduated from

     college, we moved into a new area and into a new
     home.  The church I was part of had decided to
     move all record keeping to computers.  The

     problem was, back then very few people knew
     how to use a computer.  So, the congregational
     leader, who went by the title of bishop, asked if I

     would help enter the records into the computer.
             One piece of this had to do with the
     donations the members of the congregation gave

     to the church.  On Sunday afternoons, I worked
     with a Henry to enter the data.  He would read off

     the numbers, and I punched them in.  This was
     before the days of the internet, so when we had
     checked and double-checked the numbers, we

     called into the church headquarters to report the
     data so the totals could be recorded there.
             One day, the bishop came into where Henry

     and I were working.  "I just got the phone bill," he
     said.  "Do you know what's on it?"
             "What?" Henry asked.

             "There are a lot of calls to a dirty joke line,"
     the bishop replied.  "The calls are all made during

     the youth night meetings.  Apparently, the youth

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