Page 8 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 8

Equal Respect


             Rachel didn't like moving out west with her
     family, leaving their nice New England home.
     She was only eleven when they moved, and it was
     a long, arduous journey across the plains in the

     covered wagon.  Her father worked hard and built
     a modest cabin, but three small rooms for twelve

     people made it really crowded.
             But what bothered Rachel most was how her
     father insisted they treat the Native Americans

     with respect.  Most of the other settlers' children
     talked negatively about them, but Rachel didn't
     dare.  More than once, her father had scolded her

     for her attitude.  He was a religious man and
     insisted everyone was equal in God's eyes.
             "Rachel," he said, "if you treat others with

     respect, most people will return that respect to
     you, and your life will be better."

             Her father also insisted that if any of the
     Native Americans came to their home and were
     hungry, they were fed.  Rachel's father told her,
     "This was their land before we came.  We are their

     guests, and they will be ours.  If we have food, we
     will share it with them."

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