Page 12 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 12

Supercharged Halloween

             Though Lenny had won the last round with

     his uncle the previous Halloween, when he asked
     me if I wanted to be in on his next prank, I
     declined.  From my record of the pranks over the

     years, his uncle had more wins than Lenny did.
     But Lenny knew he could count on Butch and

     Buster, and, true to form, they agreed to join him.
     Their success with the cat was still fresh on their
     minds, and they hoped to add to it.
             "What do you have in mind this year?"

     Butch asked.
             "Well," Lenny said with a sly smile, "I just

     happen to know that Uncle has an electric fence
     charger in his barn, along with some fence wire.
     My mom sent me to get milk from him down at

     his dairy barn, and I decided to do some scouting
     around for an idea while he was busy milking.
     That's when I saw it.  I hadn't ever seen it before,

     so I checked the old charger just to make sure it
             "Did you touch it?" Buster asked.

             "Do I look daft to you?" Lenny said.  "I put
     on some thick gloves and plugged in the fence

     charger.  Then I spat on a piece of hay and

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