Page 20 - Super Cowboy Rides Again
P. 20
next to the garden. (When Grandma grew corn, in order
to keep the raccoons out of it in the fall, she put an
electric fence low to the ground around it. One touch
against it, and the raccoons kept their distance. I knew
the fence all too well because I tried to sneak an ear of
corn once without shutting off the electricity.)
I carried the posts over one at a time, slid one into
each of the two post holes, filled dirt in around them,
and tapped the dirt down tight.
I kept an eye on the skunk while Grandma got a
box of electric fence insulators, nails, and a roll of
barbed wire from the garage. She quickly nailed the
insulators onto the posts only a small distance apart,
with the lowest at about her knee height and the top one
at her shoulders. We wove wire between the two posts,
blocking the path from her yard to the alley. Though
she usually used barbless wire around the corn, she
chose barbed wire this time because she wanted to
“string someone up.” The skunk continued to watch us,