Page 15 - Super Cowboy Rides Again
P. 15
they made. I tugged again on the stick, and instantly a
horrible acidic smell filled the air. A black and white
animal came out of the pile of brush, and for a moment
I thought it was a cat, but then it flipped its backside
toward me and put its tail in the air. I caught full sight
of it, remembered the smell, and immediately put it all
I scrambled backward as fast as I could, falling all
over myself and knocking Grandma down. “It’s a sku .
. . a sku . . . ,” I stuttered.
Grandma picked herself up and pulled me to my
feet. “I can see it’s a skunk. I bet that Mrs. Crabby left
her pile of junk there to attract skunks to my yard. It’s
lucky we didn’t stumble right over the top of it and get
ourselves . . .”
Suddenly, Grandma stopped in mid-sentence. I
looked up at her, and she had a grin on her face
uncharacteristic of the intensity of the situation. She
turned to face me. “You stay right here and keep an eye