Page 17 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 17

"Meanwhile, while the turkey grew up, the

     rooster got meaner.  Every time we would try to
     gather eggs, the rooster would attack us.  We,
     kids, like to gather eggs, but we were all afraid of

     him.   That's why my dad decided that the rooster
     could no longer be in the henhouse.
             "So we caught the rooster, and having

     nowhere else to put him, we put him in with the
     turkey.  They seemed to remember each other.

     The rooster immediately went on the attack, and
     the turkey backed away as he always had.  But
     after a few minutes, something changed.  It was as
     if the turkey realized his old nemesis was no

     longer that intimidating.  That's when the turkey
     attacked back.

             "The two of them went at each other, and
     feathers started to fly, mostly those of the rooster.
     The fight was getting so bad that we eventually

     had to shut the door to the shed and just let them
     work out their differences.  Mom called us to
     dinner, so we left the rooster and turkey to

     themselves.  When dinner was over, we came out
     of the house, and everything was quiet.
             "We approached the door of the building

     that had the rooster and the turkey in it and
     listened, but there was no sound.  We were afraid

     the turkey had killed the rooster because we
     doubted it would be the other way around.  We

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