Page 18 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 18

carefully opened the door, and the rooster, who

     had lodged himself up at the top of the door, fell
     out in a pile in the snow.
             "We thought he was dead until he slowly

     raised his head and looked at us before dropping
     his head back into the snow.  No one wanted to
     get near him in case it was an act, and he would

     attack, so we went back into the house for a while.
     But when we came back out, he was still lying

     there.  Finally, we picked him up and put him
     back in the hen house for the night until we could
     figure out what to do with him.
             "But the next day, when we went to gather

     eggs, the rooster didn't bother us at all.  In fact, he
     acted all friendly-like.  He has never bothered

     anyone since then.  He's probably afraid if he
     does, he will have to go through another therapy
     session with the turkey."

             I smiled.  There is nothing like a good turkey
     therapy session to make a mean rooster nice.

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