Page 16 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2008
P. 16

taking my daughter with me.  We got

     right out in the middle of the section of

     highway where there were no houses

     for about five miles in either direction,

     when a thumping sound told me the tire

     had gone flat.  I had no sooner slipped

     out to change it and was laying prone

     on the ground to get the jack under the

     pickup, when a deluge started.  That

     was when I finally uttered the fatalistic

     words.  “What else can go wrong?”

            I yelled for my daughter to get my

     coat.  She came and stood over me.

     “What did you say?”

            “Get my coat and hurry.”

            She was gone for a brief moment

     and then returned with no coat.

            “Where’s my coat?” I queried, rain

     drenching me and rolling down my

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