Page 32 - SuperCowboyFlipBook
P. 32

            “They’ll kill him!” I yelled.            “Nah,” Daniel said, “but the little fur ball will learn a     lesson.”            Nosey darted here and there, as hooves were striking     at him from all directions.  Finally, he slid under the gate,     and Daniel swept him into his arms.  Nosey was breathing     hard as Daniel handed him to me, and he didn’t fight.  I     took him back into the newborn calf pen and petted him.  I     got him some fresh straw and made him a bed, and he     nuzzled me.            My other brothers and sisters heard I had a lamb, and     they came to see him.  He didn’t like the attention and hid     in the corner.  When someone would get too close, he     would charge at them.  Everyone laughed because he acted     so tough.  When we left, we shut the barn up tight so he     couldn’t escape.            The next morning, I ate as fast as I could.  Mom got a     bottle ready, and I ran out to feed Nosey.  He wasn’t in the     newborn calf pen, but he hadn’t escaped from the barn.  As     I approached with his bottle, he moved toward me slowly.     When the bottle nipple touched his mouth, he went after it     hungrily.  As he ate, I reached out my hand and stroked his     soft, woolly back.            When he finished, he followed me back into the calf     pen.  Dad was getting the cows in for milking.  “Why don’t     you give your lamb some bottles of water with just a little     milk in it?”  Dad suggested.  “Don’t give him too much     milk, though, or you might make him sick.”            I got him a bottle of warm water and added a little     milk.  He sucked hard at first, but finished it slowly.  I got     him another one, and he drank a little, but soon he would     just flip the nipple with his nose.  His little belly looked
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