Page 30 - SuperCowboyFlipBook
P. 30

            I turned around to see Daniel.            “Why Mutton?” I asked.            “Because mutton is a sheep roast.”            “No!” I hollered. “This is my lamb, and he’s not     going to be a roast!”            Daniel looked disgusted.  “Fat chance.”            “Mr. Brown calls him Burr Magnet,” I told him.            Daniel smiled at that.  His smile widened when he     saw my lamb’s ears wedged against the cinder blocks.     “How did he get his head stuck?”            “He was trying to escape.  Can you help me get him     out?”            “Sure.  I’ll just go get a saw and we’ll cut his head     off.”            I shook my head and tried to act brave, even though I     couldn’t think of any other way to get him free.  Daniel     must have been teasing though, because he laughed.            He petted my lamb.  “You’re sure a cute little guy.     But you’ve got to be careful sticking your nose into places     it doesn’t belong.”  Suddenly Daniel’s face lit up.  “That’s     it!  We can call him Nosey.”            I didn’t like that name, but I had to admit it fit.  So     Nosey it was.            Daniel ran his hand along Nosey’s head.  “Now, let’s     see if we can get you out of there, little feller.”            He gently pulled Nosey’s head forward with one     hand, and then, with the other, he tucked Nosey’s ears     against his neck.  He then pushed Nosey’s head back     through the wall, and the lamb was free.            “Why don’t you go get him another bottle of milk     while I get the cows in?” Daniel suggested.            Mom fixed another bottle, and I hurried back to the
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