Page 36 - SuperCowboyFlipBook
P. 36

                                                                4                                                      Super Cowboy                                                            Rides                                                    Winter had been                                                    long, and the only                                                    good part of winter                                                    is Christmas.  I                                                    really like magic.                                                    Flying reindeer and                                                    being able to go                                                    down a chimney is                                                    about as cool as it                                                    can get.                                                           Last                                                    Christmas, I had                                                    decided that I was                                                    going to learn how     Santa did it.  I found a ladder and dragged it to the side of     the house.  I was just climbing up when Mom found me.            “What do you think you’re doing?”            “I’m going to go up and come down the chimney like     Santa does.”            “You most definitely are not!  It’s dangerous!”            “But Santa does it,” I reminded her.            “Santa is magical.”            I realized that was true.  But for someone who is     magical, there are things I still wonder about.  Santa never     seems to bring anything but clothes.  I think that for a guy
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