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Chapter 5 The Perfect Plan That Went Wrong And Made Things Right l Above all, Alexander loved horses and prided himself on his horsemanship. Louise decided she would embarrass him in front of a lot of important people. Her own father and mother were coming for her eighteenth birthday celebration, and they were bringing with them the most notable people of the country. The eighteenth birthday was the biggest event in a girl’s life, especially for a princess. She would then be seen as eligible for marriage. On that day all the noblemen were supposed to ride with the hounds. That would be the day she would totally humiliate Alexander. She planned it carefully. Alexander truly was an expert horseman. She ordered one of her reluctant ladies- in-waiting to distract Alexander while she planted a burr under Lady’s saddle. It was a major undertaking, because Alexander never let anyone touch Lady’s gear, not even his most trusted servants. Louise had to do it after he had already saddled her. She had to take the saddle off, plant the bristly burr, and resaddle her before he came back. It worked like a charm. All of the great men of the country gathered around and began to mount. Alexander had no sooner swung up into the saddle than Lady went crazy. Alexander was jolted this way and that, and 48