Page 54 - RotalTutor
P. 54
I have you whipped, but that does not excuse such behavior. You will escort her back to her chamber, and escort her back to the ball after she is appropriately attired. And you can go hungry until after it is all over.” Alexander bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty.” “From now on, you had better understand that she is the princess and treat her as such; and you had better learn your place, or I will more than have you whipped. Is that understood?” “Yes, Your Majesty.” The king waved his hand. “Escort her to her room now, before I change my mind!” Alexander rose to escort Louise back to her room. Louise looked at her mother’s tear-stained face. She knew her mother liked Alexander, and she could only imagine how she must have begged in his behalf. As they turned to leave, her father called after them. “And, one more thing, young man.” Alexander turned back to face him and bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty?” “This is not over yet!” Alexander bowed again. “Yes, Your Majesty.” The king frowned. “You may go now.” Alexander bowed again, and turned to walk with Louise to her quarters. They were silent for much of the way. Finally, she spoke to him. “You didn’t have to stand up for me.” Alexander was somber as he answered. “I couldn’t 52