Page 48 - RotalTutor
P. 48
squealing and grunting around the sitting room. Finally it saw the open door to the hall and headed through it. As Louise continued to stand on her bed, trembling, Alexander appeared in the doorway. He leaned casually against the wall, grinning. “Relative of yours come to call?” She was so angry and scared she could hardly speak. “How, what...” Alexander stroked his chin thoughtfully. “That thing must have gotten into the same marinating sauce as the chicken.” She screamed and threw her pillow at him. He ducked, and the pillow flew past him and landed at the feet of Elizabeth and Marina, who were standing behind him in the sitting room. Alexander just turned and bowed slightly to them. “Ladies,” he said. Then he exited the room. Louise’s ear-piercing scream followed him far down the hallway. She was so angry that she could hardly taste her breakfast. The news of the pig was all around the castle long before she left her room. She had to sit at the same table as Alexander, with his serene smile. The food tasted like sand as she chewed on her anger. Duke Reginald and Lady Margaret sat quietly as if not knowing quite what to do. If she told them what Alexander had done, she knew they would have to punish him, but it was humiliating to mention it after the many pranks she had played on him. He had finally played one on her and she had lost control 46