Page 47 - RotalTutor
P. 47

     chicken, even as Alexander quietly ate at the same table.  It     didn’t seem to take away her mixed-up feelings, but it     changed the subject.  All who heard it seemed less than     excited at her attempts to humiliate Alexander.              After eating, they retired to their rooms.  She had to     relate the whole chicken episode to her ladies-in-waiting.     Their laughs seemed forced, which annoyed her further.     She was tired from the long ride, and had barely laid down     in her bed before she was fast asleep.  She slept deeply, but     as morning came around, she started to dream.            She dreamed a dragon held her prisoner.  It snorted     its stinking breath into her face.  Its breath smelled     fermented, as if it had been drinking wine.  It made high-     pitched squealing and grunting sounds as it belched.  When     she awoke, she found herself looking directly into the face     of a pig.            She let out a scream; the drunken pig squealed and     ran around her bedroom, knocking a pitcher of water to the     floor, breaking it into shards.  She stood up on her bed and     continued to scream, and the pig continued to squeal and     run, knocking over lanterns, furniture, and the wash basin.     Elizabeth and Marina came running.            There was a large chair pulled in front of the     doorway to her room, which blocked the pig’s escape.  The     commotion brought servants and others quickly from every     direction.  Elizabeth and Marina called some servants to     help pull the chair from in front of the doorway.  The pig     scrambled through, and they chased it as it continued                                       45
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