Page 45 - RotalTutor
P. 45

     turned toward Denville Castle, everyone came out,     shouting goodbye.  Louise looked back to see the small,     blonde girl poking her head out from the skirts of the old     woman who had been the recipient of the chicken.  The     little girl waved shyly, and Louise could again feel the     tears fighting their way to the surface.            As they plodded on in silence, she finally had to ask     the questions tugging at her heart.            “Alexander, those children knew you would have     that candy for them, didn’t they?”            He nodded.  “It all started with Nell, the little girl     that came first.  She is my favorite.  Both of her parents     were killed in a horrible accident.  I tried to talk to her, but     she just wanted to hide from me.  I found out she hasn’t     talked since the day of the accident.  So, one day, I pulled     out a piece of candy to give to her.  I told her she was     beautiful, and I loved her, and that was what the candy     meant.  Pretty soon I was giving it to all of the children.     I’ve just started bringing it every time I come, and they     know I’ll have it.  I enjoy doing it at many of the towns I     visit.”            “Do you visit lots of towns?” Louise asked.            “As many as I can,” he replied.            They rode on in silence for a long time, but the     events of the day kept gnawing at Louise until she asked     some more questions.            “Alexander, who is the old lady she is with?”            “That is her grandmother.  I’ve thought of seeing if                                       43
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