Page 49 - RotalTutor
P. 49

     of herself.            She stormed from the dining room, determined that     whatever she did to him next was going to be the best of     the best.  She was going to get him good in whatever he     took pride in most.  As she trudged back to her room, she     wondered how he had gotten that horrible beast in there     without her knowing it.  Obviously he had gotten it drunk,     but how did he drag it in?  He must be stronger than she     thought.            She paced back and forth in her living quarters.  She     had to have the right event and the perfect timing.   Once,     Lady Marina came in, but, with one vicious glance from     Louise, she quickly retreated to the safety of the hallway.     When a plan finally came to Louise, she knew  it was the     most perfect of all perfect plans, and she smiled to herself     as she prepared to implement it.                                       47
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