Page 43 - RotalTutor
P. 43

     “Perhaps,” he said, “we should continue on.”            Louise just nodded.  He saddled the horses, and they     were on their way.  Alexander’s words echoed in her ears     long after they left the small lake.  It ate at her mind and     heart because she knew he was right.            The rest of the ride was quite uneventful, except     Alexander was not quite sure what to do with the chicken.     It started squawking in his saddlebag, so he gave it to an     old lady once they reached the village.  Everyone there     seemed to like Alexander and knew him well.  At first that     made her hate him even more.            Everyone seemed pleased to meet her, and pleased to     know that the future queen would feel their little village     was important enough to visit.  She felt a tinge of guilt     knowing she would not have come if it hadn’t been for     Alexander and the trick she wanted to play on him.            They could only stay about an hour due to the long     trip home.  And just as they were getting ready to leave,     something else happened that left Louise in a quandary.     As they were readying their horses, the children of the     town gathered around.  One small, blonde girl, dressed in     tired, patched clothes, came up and tugged at Alexander’s     coat.  He smiled down at her questioningly, and she     pointed at his saddle bag.  Louise looked at it, and, for the     first time, realized it was still bulging.            Alexander smiled at the little girl, but said nothing.     He reached up and pulled a large leather pouch from the     saddle bag.  He reached inside and pulled out a small                                       41
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