Page 15 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 15


                                Time Period and Travel

                                 Timeline of the Jaredites
                 Before we take on the question of customs of the Jaredites we find
          unusual, we need to consider their time and travel.  We can calculate the
          timeline for the Jaredites based on the Old Testament and the flood of
          Noah.  Noah was probably born somewhere around 3000 to 2900 B.C.
          This would put the flood somewhere between 2400 and 2300 B.C.
          [7][WL], though some go as late as 2000 B.C.  The tower of Babel was
          probably a hundred years or so after the flood, and the people had again
          started populating the earth [8][WL].  Others might put it even two-
          hundred years after the flood.  But even non-LDS scholars tend to put it in
          this time frame [9][WL].  So, it would probably put the tower of Babel
          somewhere between 2500 and 2000 B.C.
                 One challenge in timelines that you often see is that it is hard to
          grasp the proper perspective of the time length of the Jaredites compared to
          the Nephites, Lamanites, and Mulekites.  I created a time perspective
          timeline using 2350 for the time of the flood, 2250 for the time of the
          Tower of Babel, and the information from The Book of Mormon.  The
          lengths were done by using pixels to measure the intervals.  The only
          exception was Lehi’s departure from Jerusalem and that of the Mulekites.
          They were only eleven years apart, and due to the timeline’s length, eleven
          years would make them almost right on top of each other.  I put them as
          close together as I could.  This perspective can be seen in Figure 4.  I also
          did it vertically since there is more room on the page to give the

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