Page 13 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 13

seem like someone who has lost his grip on reality.  He is in the midst of a
          huge city, surrounded by thousands, if not millions, of people.  Just below
          the balcony on which he stands is the emperor's army.  This does not sound
          to us like what he describes, fallen walls and cities.  But to Shan Yu, with
          the emperor standing before him as a prisoner, the statement is very real.  If
          Shan Yu controls the emperor, he controls China.

                                     Mulan Concept 4
                                  Bow in Captivity or Die

                 Shan Yu, holding the emperor as his prisoner, now commands the
          emperor to bow to him.  Every indication is that if the emperor bows, his
          life will be spared, and he will be Shan Yu's captive.  In this situation, if
          the emperor does bow and is put in captivity, the people will submit to the
          authority of Shan Yu.
                 However, the emperor refuses to bow.  It is at this point that Shan
          Yu is going to kill the emperor.  Through the movie, Shan Yu shows total
          disregard for the lives of soldiers and ordinary people.  But when it comes
          to the emperor’s life, Shan Yu is willing to spare his life and take him
          captive if the emperor will bow.  It is only when the emperor will not bow
          that Shan Yu chooses to take his life.  (Spoiler alert for those who haven’t
          seen the movie.  Mulan helps save the emperor.  I just saved you eight
          dollars having to see the movie at the movie theater.)

                 This shows Shan Yu’s desire to have the emperor as a captive over
          killing him.  This is very much like the book of Ether, where the Jaredite
          kings tend to spare the life of the enemy leader, but not the lives of other
          people.  Remember in Ether 8, King Jared’s army is destroyed but his life
          is spared.

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