Page 14 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 14

Summary of Mulan Movie and Culture Matching the Jaredites

      .      Though there is much of Hollywood in the movie Mulan, in many
      respects it holds true to the traditional story of Mulan found in books.  In
      that movie, we can see the very essence of the culture of the Jaredites.
      First, everything is done to protect the king.  His is the only life that seems
      to be of much value.  Second, it does not take an entire army to win—a
      commando squad can win if they can kill or capture the king.  Third,
      control of the king is control of the nation, whether he is dead or alive.
      And fourth, it is preferable to capture the king and keep him in captivity
      instead of killing him.
             There is much to discuss in these cultural ideas that may seem
      strange to us.  We will return to them further on in the book and discuss
      plausible reasons for these cultural practices that we find unusual.

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