Page 19 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 19

Ether 1:23 And Morianton   Ether 10: 9 And it came to pass after the
           was a descendant of        space of many years, Morianton, (he being
           Riplakish.                 a descendant of Riplakish) gathered
                                      together an army of outcasts, and went forth
                                      and gave battle unto the people; and he
                                      gained power over many cities; . . .

                 Twice when it says descendant it later says begat.  Though the word
          begat usually means the person is a child of that man, according to
          Answers in Genesis, it sometimes might take on the meaning of a
          descendant after multiple generations [11][WL].  But for Morianton being
          a descendant of Riplakish, it uses the same phrase of descendant both times
          in the book.  It also uses the phrase “after the space of many years…”
                 Riplakish had been a wicked king, forcing his people to pay heavy
          taxes, imprisoning and forcing people to work who could not afford to pay
          the taxes.  The people hated him, eventually killing him and driving his
          descendants out of the land.  Morianton, one of his descendants, came back
          later.  The scriptures say it was many years later (Ether 10:4-12).  It could
          even have been generations later.

                 The main point is, we do not know for sure the lineage from father
          to son.  We likely have a gap in the lineage record with Riplakish and
          Morianton, and possibly with the other two as well.  There are 30 men
          listed in Ether 1, and if our estimate of 1600 holds for these men, that
          would be over 53 years for each generation.  There is usually a lot of
          overlap between generations.  Answers in Genesis says that about 40 years
          defines a generation [11][WL].  At 40 years per generation, for 30 men,
          that would suggest a time length of 1200 years.  If our assumption of a
          minimum of 1600 years is correct, that would likely mean some in the
          generation list are missing.  This gives us three options to consider.  Either
          some are missing from the generation list, the Jaredite nation existed for
          less than 1600 years, or there were more than 40 years per generation.  The
          most likely option is that men are missing from the lineage list.  Ludlow
          [12] also considers this to be a strong possibility.
                 In final, what this means is that trying to use the lineage list as a
          means of determining the length of time the Jaredites existed as a nation
          would likely not be an accurate measure.

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