Page 12 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 12

Do you remember what the second scene was?  Most of those
      attending the Education Week class guessed the scene where Mulan is
      feeding the chickens, but that is scene three.  Some even guessed the scene
      where Mulan is going to the matchmaker.  But that is even later.  Let’s start
      with scene one.  Scene one is when Shan Yu’s army comes up on the Great
      Wall of China, and the fires are lit to tell China he is there.
             So, what is scene two?  In scene two, General Li goes into the
      emperor’s palace and informs the emperor that Shan Yu's army has crossed
      the border.  Then the general says he will set up a perimeter around the
      palace to protect the emperor.  The emperor, in his goodness, tells the
      general to protect the people.

             Did you catch what General Li was saying?  Everything was about
      protecting the emperor.  This is the idea of the game of chess.  Everything
      is set up to protect the king.  It was as if the ordinary people were an
      insignificant detail.  But in the movie, the emperor’s benevolence shows in
      his desire to protect his people, even over his own safety.  Even so, we see
      the concept of chess in that scene, to protect the emperor at all costs, even
      over the common people’s lives.

                                   Mulan Concept 2
                       It Doesn't Take a Whole Army to Win

             Another event of interest to us occurs later in the movie.  When
      Mulan drops the avalanche on the Hun army, only four survive.  You might
      think, okay, Mulan is a hero; she goes home, roll the credits, end of the
      movie, we are happy, we feast.  But that is not the case.  The four, one of
      whom is Shan Yu, go into the city to finish their job.  All they have to do is
      kill or capture the emperor to win, and they don’t need an entire army to do
      that.  What you see at that point is the idea of a commando unit capturing
      the emperor or killing him.

                                  Mulan Concept 3
                    Control of the Emperor is Control of China

             You may note that once Shan Yu gets the emperor on the balcony
      in front of all the people, he then tells the emperor to bow to him, claiming
      the emperor’s walls and cities have fallen to Shan Yu.  To us, this may

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