Page 8 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2013
P. 8

The Bad Hair Day

            My little nine-year-old daughter, Elliana, came

     down the stairs to where I was making breakfast.  “Dad, I
     need to dress up like in the olden days for school today.”
            “Okay,” I answered.  “We have some pioneer
     costumes in the closet downstairs.  You can look through
            “No,” she replied.  “Not the pioneer days.  The 70's

     and 80's, when you were younger.  What did you wear
     back then?”
            It took me a minute to recover from hearing the
     years I went to high school called the olden days.  When I

     finally did, I told her she probably ought to ask her
     mother for something that girls wore.
            Elliana found her mother, and asked if we had
     something she could wear for 70's and 80's days at
            “The olden days,” I added.

            “But I don’t want to look stupid,” Elli complained.
            “We didn’t look stupid,” I told her.
            One of my older daughters chimed in.  “Have you
     looked at your yearbook lately?”

            “Yes,” I answered, “and we didn’t look stupid.”  I
     paused for a moment, and then added, “Okay.  Maybe
     bellbottoms were the exception.”
            My wife, Donna, found Elli a dress.  It kind of just
     draped around her.  I had forgotten that girls wore those

     unflattering dresses, but the dress didn’t seem to bother

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