Page 6 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2013
P. 6

to support the family and help them defray the hospital

            Everyone donated something.  Women had brought
     hand tied quilts and lots of baked goods.  I brought
     books.  Others brought paintings.  Farmers brought
     potatoes, gravy, beef, and all the fixings.  A meal was five

     dollars, but, more than once, I watched as people plopped
     down a hundred dollar bill, and then left before change
     could be tendered.
            When my family finished eating, I purchased a pie
     and some cookies, and then we joined others in the
     auditorium for the auction.

            The auctioneer held up a painting, and began his
     singsong bidding.  “How much will you give me for this
     painting?  Who will give me a 50 dollar, dollar?  Who
     will give me a 50?”

            A hand went up, and the auctioneer pointed to the
     man.  “I’ve got a 50.  Who will give me a 60 dollar,
     dollar?  Who will give me a 60?”
            Another hand went up and the auctioneer pointed at
     the woman.  “I’ve got a 60.  Who will give me a 70

     dollar, dollar?  Who will give me a 70?”
            The bidding continued with the man and the woman
     continuing to bid.  “Hey, John,” someone yelled.  “Ain’t
     that your wife you’re a bidden’ against?”
            John and his wife turned and looked across the

     auditorium at each other, and sure enough, they were the
     two bidding.  Amidst the laughter, John said, “Well,
     maybe she didn’t think I was bidding enough for it, since
     she is the one who painted it.”
            John ended up winning the bid at $100.  He paid the

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