Page 7 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2013
P. 7

money and took the painting from the stage.  He
     disappeared with it out of the back of the auditorium.  A

     few minutes later I saw him, ever so carefully, trying to
     stay hidden, slip the painting back through the side stage
            Soon the painting was brought to the front of the

     stage again.  The auctioneer raised his hand.  “We have a
     nice painting here.  So who will give me a 50 dollar,
     dollar?  Who will give me a...”
            The auctioneer paused and looked deeply at the
     painting, then turned to John.  “John, didn’t you just buy
     this painting?”

            John shrugged.  “My wife is a prolific artist of one
            He paid another $100 for it.  And two times more he
     bought the same painting.  I watched others buy

     something only to donate it back to be auctioned again.
              Yes, sir.  That’s how it is in our farming
     community.  We don’t just donate; we expect equal value
     for things.
            But the true value is never in the things that are sold,

     but in the hearts of these good people.

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