Page 11 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2013
P. 11

Student Communications (#3)

            Most of my college students are bright, fun to teach,

     and work hard.  But each semester I get interesting letters,
     emails, and phone calls from a few students.  I save these,
     and, occasionally, I compile them into a column.  The last
     couple of years I have shared some of these, and, with
     school just starting, I thought I’d share a few more. I
     don’t think any of these comments need any explanation,

     other than to say that I changed or removed any names for
     anonymity.  Also, I pared down a few of them a bit.
            Dear Professor Howard, This is Aaron from your
     10:15 class.  I guess you know from my grade that I have

     done worse and worse on each test until I am now failing
     your class.  It just seems that the farther along we go, the
     more boring your class is, and the harder it is to
     concentrate.  So, I was wondering what time you teach
     next semester so I can sign up for your class again.

            Hello Professor Howard, I was just checking my
     grade online and it says I have an F.  I’m not quite sure
     why that is.  Could it be because I haven’t turned in any
     of my projects and I bombed the test?  Just checking.

            Professor Howard, I’m sure you want to know why I
     am so far behind on my work in your class, so I thought I
     should tell you.  I have been sick, and I can’t do
     homework because reading your math stuff just makes me

            Dear Professor Howard, I want you to know that I
     just checked my grades.  I found out that I have missed a
     whole bunch of assignments that I forgot to turn in, and

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