Page 12 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2013
P. 12

my grade is suffering.  I want you to know that I am
     concerned about this because it doesn’t reflect what I

     have been doing in the class.  I just didn’t realize a person
     had to turn in stuff to get credit for it.
            Professor Howard, I want you to know that I took
     your multiple choice placement test.  I feel like I almost

     knew every answer but I still got 0 on each of them.
     Somehow I feel I can do better than that.
            Dear Professor Howard,  I called and left a message
     about getting into your class and you never answered

     back.  I was very upset, but then I realized that I never
     told you who I was or how to get hold of me, and my
     phone blocks showing its caller id.  So I am including my
     information in this email this time, and hoping there is
     still room to add.

            Dear Professor Howard, I am a student in your class
     and my name is Danyell.  I just thought I should explain
     about the strange spelling of my name.  It is actually
     pronounced just like Daniel, and, yes, I am a guy not a
     girl.  The reason it is spelled strange is that when I was

     born, my mother wasn’t feeling too well, so she passed
     the paperwork to my father to fill out, and he is a terrible

            Dear Professor Howard, I just wanted to write a
     thank you note.  I want you to know that I really enjoyed
     your class this semester and I’m glad I took it.  I didn’t
     plan to because I saw that you are a writer, and I didn’t
     think someone that is a writer could ever be a very good
     math teacher.

            Professor Howard, I need to apologize.  I wrote you

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