Page 5 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2013
P. 5

Value For Value

            I watched as a man walked up to the donation table.

     “Would you like to donate?” the lady asked.
            “Giving something for nothing ain’t our way,” the
     man replied.  “We give value for value.  But I did bring in
     some fudge that my wife made for the baked food table.”
            He plopped it in front of the lady who was tagging
     such things.  He stayed there and watched as she put a

     price on it.
            “Ten dollars?” he said, almost in disgust.  “You ain’t
     never tasted my wife’s fudge, have you?  Ten dollars
     don’t even come close to how good it is.”

            “What price do you think we should put on it?” the
     woman at the table asked.
            “I don’t think you should sell that fudge for less than
     25 dollars,” he replied.
            “But I’m not sure it will sell priced that high,” the
     lady answered.

            “Oh, it will sell,” the man answered.  “I can
     guarantee it.”
            The lady looked doubtful, but changed the price.
     “That’s more like it.” the man said.  He then plopped

     down $30 on the table, and picked the fudge back up.
     “Keep the change,” he said.
            A man in our community had had a farming
     accident, and while he was in the hospital struggling to
     live, our community was having a fund raiser.  It was

     spring, one of our busiest times of the year, but all work
     was set aside.  Everyone was doing whatever they could

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