Page 15 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2013
P. 15

“I was hoping you might have an idea how I can get
     her to change her mind.”

            I laughed.  “There’s one thing that I can just about
     guarantee will get her to change the name.”
            He leaned close.  “What?”
            “Tell her you have changed your mind and decided

     you like the name Katy because you had a former
     girlfriend with the same name.  That will make her
     change it.”  I laughed again as I finished.  “I’m teasing of
            I could tell by the look on his face that his mind was
     whirring as he spoke.  “No, no.  I really think it will

            “But I was teasing,” I insisted.
            He was undeterred, and spoke as if deep in thought.
     “And you know what?  I just thought of something else.

     There was a real pretty girl I liked when I was in junior
     high, and her name was Katy.  But she wouldn’t even
     give me the time of day.”  He then turned back to me.
     “Do you think that might be why I don’t like the name?”
            I shrugged.  “Seriously, I’m not much of a

            He didn’t care.  He was already heading out the
     door.  As he left, he said, “I think you just might have
     saved our marriage.”
            A few days later, Kevin joined me in my office

     again.  He flopped in the chair.  “Women are so strange.”
            “How so?” I asked.
            “After I left here, I thought more and more about it,
     and I decided that Katy would be an okay name.  But
     when I told my wife, she got suspicious and wanted to

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