Page 15 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2012
P. 15

dressed in a swim suit, he was the

     first one to the gate waiting to go

     swimming in our pond.  He also loved

     camping and enjoyed sitting by the

     campfire as someone lovingly stroked

     his big head.

            But then came the days I dreaded.

     We first noticed that he was walking

     as though he had arthritis.  As the

     months went on, he became more and

     more miserable until he could hardly

     walk at all.  Though we tenderly cared

     for him, it was what the cats did that

     interested me the most.  They seemed

     to know he wasn’t well, and they

     hunted down mice and laid them at

     his feet trying to help him get better.

            The day he died, I knew before I

     even left the house.  The cats were

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