Page 20 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2012
P. 20

beautiful golden head as Bart


            “The problem is that we haven’t

     had the courage to tell my wife that

     we have changed his name.  She still

     thinks it’s Rufus.  She has tried to

     make friends with him.  She will

     come out and call him, but he won’t

     come.  Then she will turn and say,

     ‘Honey, will you call the dog.’  I will

     yell, ‘Dang it, Rufus, get over here,’

     and he immediately comes.  So she

     still thinks his name is Rufus, not

     realizing the first part of that is really

     his name.”

            As our conversation was ending,

     Bart said he needed to head out to

     work on a pivot.  He slapped the side

     of his pickup.  “Dang It, let’s go boy.”

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