Page 19 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2012
P. 19

our muddy feet on it before we come

     into the house.  When Rufus was a

     pup, he would chew that rug to

     pieces, either that, or drag it off

     somewhere and bury it, or something.

     Every time I stepped out the door and

     saw it chewed or gone, I would yell,

     ‘Dang it, you stupid dog!’ and he got

     to thinking that was his name.

            “The boys and I have gotten it

     shortened to just ‘Dang It’.  I’ve kind

     of tried to get him used to his normal

     name again, but I’ve about given up.

     I figure that a person shouldn’t try to

     teach an old dog new tricks.  Just call

     him what he knows.”

            I whistled and patted my leg.

     “Here, Dang It.”  Immediately, the

     dog was by my side.  I patted his

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