Page 13 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2012
P. 13

horse, and any stray dogs that tried to

     chase the kittens quickly learned the

     error of their ways.  At times he faced

     down as many as three at a time.  And

     each night, the mother cat and her

     kittens climbed on top of him and

     snuggled down into his fur to sleep.

            For my part, I watched this with

     great interest, but I was determined I

     would not become attached to him.

     More than once I had grown to love a

     dog only to lose him.  But one day,

     despite all my efforts, he did

     something that ended my resolve.

            I knew Buster thought the cats

     were his family, but I hadn’t realized

     how much he was part of ours.  We

     had a llama that grew viciously

     territorial.  Though he had learned

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