Page 47 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2010
P. 47
This was from a phone call that the phone
system indicated was put on my phone
just after midnight:
Hi Professor Howard. This is Brandon
from your 11:00 Monday, Wednesday, Friday
class. I know you said that we had to take our
test by Wednesday, and I want you to know that
I tried. But do you know that the test center
closes at 10:00 PM? No one told me this, and
so I just went to take my test before the end of
the day, and it was already closed. I think you
need to make sure we know these things. So, as
you see, it wasn’t my fault that I didn’t take it
by then because I did try to take it like you said.
Please let me know what to do. Brandon. By
the way, where are you? I checked your
schedule and it says you aren’t in class right
now. Aren’t you supposed to be in your office