Page 44 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2010
P. 44
What Students Communicate
Sometimes I get interesting letters, emails,
and phone calls from students. I thought I’d
share some of them here. I don’t think they
really need any explanation, other than to say I
changed any names for anonymity, the spelling
and punctuation errors are their own, and some
I had to pare down a bit.
Dear Professor Howard, I would really like
to be a physicist. I love physics. But I have a
slight problem. I hate math. You are my
advisor, so I was hoping you could help me
figure out a plan to be able to graduate in
physics and not take math.
Dear Perfesser Howard, Your my advicer
and I nead yer help. I have took Englich three
times and cant seem to pass. My frends all say