Page 42 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2010
P. 42
I threw the shovel, and nicked him, sending him
rolling before he fled into the nearby field.
Fluff lay there motionless and bleeding. As I
came closer, she tried to move to her babies, but
her leg was broken. Afraid the cat would
return, I got a box and put her in it. I found her
babies in the nest where she had tried to conceal
them. I then moved them all to the stallion’s
barn and put them in one end of his manger.
The only way in was through the door to his
pen, and the stallion hated cats. I knew they
would be safe there.
I got her a little pan of water, and some
grain. She clucked to me as if asking me to
take care of her babies. “We’ll get you better,
Fluff, and you can take care of them yourself,” I
said, but the next morning found me digging her
grave by the barn she had defended as home.