Page 45 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2010
P. 45
I write good so I think the Englich perfessers
have mentel issues. I was wondering if you
could help me figuer a way to not have to take it
Dear Professor Howard, I’m sorry I missed
class on Tuesday. My roommate and I take a
chemistry class together. Our chemistry
professor told us some chemicals we should
never mix together. We didn’t believe him and
decided to try it. I missed class because I was
in the hospital. If you need, I could have my
stupid roommate bring a note. He didn’t even
get hurt.
Dear Professor Howard, I put my
homework in your box today. I hope you won’t
mark it late. My wife was in labor all day
yesterday when it was due. I was going to bring
it up, but she got mad and told me I wasn’t