Page 48 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2010
P. 48

when you aren’t in class?

             Dear Professor Howard, I was registered

     for your College Algebra class that meets

     Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 11:00, but I

     hate math, and I decided you weren’t a very

     good teacher, so I dropped it.  I tried 4 other

     classes, and figured that those teachers were

     even worse than you are.  I tried to add you

     class again, but now the computer tells me it is

     full.  I was wondering if you could add me in.

             Dear Professor Howard, I want you to

     know that I bombed the College Algebra exam.

     I studied hard for it, too, and I know the

     material backward and forward.  I think you had

     a lot of tricky questions.  My roommate that is

     in the class with me did well, and he said that

     all of the questions were right out of the

     homework.  What’s up with that?  Isn’t that

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