Page 37 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2010
P. 37
there, bossing anyone around she thought she
could. Some of the old timers that liked to hang
around down there felt her bossy ways were
going to work her right into a stew pot, but no
one bothered her too much because she did add
another layer of interest to the already exciting
life around the barns.
The lady I worked for told me I could
sprinkle a little grain out for her if it wasn’t too
much, and Fluff seemed to tolerate me because
of it.
But the day I named her, she didn’t seem
to have any tolerance for me at all. I had gone
into the barn to get some grain for the horses,
and she flew at me, pecking, squawking, and
scratching. I shooed her away, yelling, “Get
away, you psycho fluff ball!” And that is how I
ended up calling her Fluff. It was short for