Page 14 - Save the Last Dance for Me
P. 14

That was his third mistake.  The boys shut the

               door, put a chair under the doorknob so he couldn't
               get out, and they were off to play basketball.  It

               makes a person wonder what would have happened

               if I hadn’t wandered down to the scout room.
                      As Harry told the story, his anger increased.

               When he finished, he headed down to round the

               boys up and bring them back to the scout room and
               shut down that “. . . ridiculous basketball playing

               once and for all so they could get to important

               scouting training.”

                      “Harry,” I said, “perhaps it would be a good
               idea to join the boys in a basketball game.  Get to

               know them and be their friend.”

                      He glared at me.  “These boys don’t need a
               friend. They need someone they can look up to.

               You don’t become such a person by being their

               friend.  You’ve got to be on higher ground to lift

                      I had to admit that sounded good in theory,

               but there had to be a balance between being the

               leader figure and being their friend.  Harry would
               have none of it.  Being tied up in the closet had

               frosted his attitude, and I was glad he didn’t have a

               bullwhip.  He soon had the reluctant boys rounded
               up and back in the scout room.

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