Page 53 - Super Cowboy Rides Again
P. 53

once I walked across the lawn only to find something
unwanted on my shoe. My brothers called it “poop-de-
dog shoe polish.”

      Grandma cussed the dogs to no avail. She threw
rocks at them, but she didn’t dare throw them too hard
for fear the rocks would bounce out into the street.
Besides, she was old and didn’t have very good aim.

      As Grandma was raking, and I was busy pulling
out grass, a small, curly haired poodle came wandering
into Grandma’s yard and started to leave a little present
on the lawn. Grandma took off after it, rake in hand,
hollering like there was a fire. The poor little dog took
off, his job only half done, trailing his gift to Grandma
only partially delivered. Once he got to the sidewalk,
he felt he was out of her reach and turned to bravely
woof at her.

      Grandma didn’t feel the sidewalk was the
boundary of any chase, and she took a swing with the
rake at the little poodle. He ducked just in time to only

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