Page 50 - SuperCowboyFlipBook
P. 50

            “Yip.  Just a two-timin’ woman,” I sing-songed into     the phone.  I didn’t know what it meant, but John sang it     when his girlfriend went out with another guy.            “Why, you rotten little jerk!” Leslie shouted.            Suddenly, I heard my mother’s voice behind me.     “Tommy, what are you doing?”            “Just listening to the phone,” I said.            My mom put out her hand for the phone, and I     reluctantly gave it to her.  Then she spoke into it, “Is     anyone on here?”            Suddenly, I could hear some shouting of some things     that I think would have even embarrassed Mr. Brown.  I     saw my mom blush and hold the phone away from her ear.     I thought, “Boy, is Leslie going to be in trouble.”  But     instead, all my mom said was, “I see.  I will take care of it.”     She then hung up the phone, and, boy, did she ever take     care of it.  I thought my backside would be sore forever.            I went out and found Tippy and Nosey, and we went     to sit on the haystack so I could feel sorry for myself.     “There just isn’t any justice in the world,” I complained to     them.  “Leslie is the one that says all those bad things, and     I’m the one that gets in trouble.”  I knew it wouldn’t do any     good to talk to a grownup about how unfair it was.     Whenever I told my dad that something wasn’t fair, he     would just say, “Well, that’s life.  Get used to it.”  I always     wondered why it couldn’t be unfair in my favor once in a     while.            After a while, I heard someone calling my name.  I     didn’t even want to answer.  But as they continued to call, I     decided I better go, because my backside was already sore.            When I got to the house, I was told there was a     package for me.  I opened it up, and there was a great, big
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